If you’re a parent to a member of Gen-Z, you might be in a constant state of confusion because they’re truly doing things quite differently. Just as millennials had no use for cable TV, diamonds, and in-person bank transactions, Gen-Z has got a whole list of their own of things that they have no use for whatsoever. Here are some of those things in order to try to help you keep up with the changing times.

“Hello” and “Goodbye” Greetings

If you’ve ever called a Gen-Zer, you might have been confused that when the phone was answered, you did not hear a greeting, but instead just silence on the line. Gen-Zers don’t like talking on the phone at all, which might also explain why they don’t bother with saying “goodbye” either, but just hang up the phone abruptly. These formalities are simply seen as a waste of time.


Now this one isn’t exclusive to just Gen-Z, with many millennials on board with dropping marriage altogether as well. However, the trend is only getting stronger with Gen-Z, who prefer living with partners without any official paperwork involved. They also don’t think that they must find a partner in order to be happy, and instead aim to derive joy and satisfaction from life through their careers, passions, and self-care.

Products Tested On Animals

Gen-Zers have absolutely no time for products that have been tested on animals or contain excessive chemicals. In fact, they will check products on an app called Yuka, which provides a rating for cosmetics and food products as well as information on whether they have been tested on animals or not. Not only will they not use the product, they will post a TikTok about it so others won’t either.

Using Punctuation

Teenagers also do not have the patience for using full punctuation, so absolutely forget about things like exclamation marks. A lot of Gen-Zers will also make fun of their parents for adding punctuation while dictating text messages on their phones. This also goes for using capitalized letters, they simply do not bother.

Fully Spelled Out Words

On a related note, Gen-Z also hate spelling out words and phrases and heavily rely on abbreviations and acronyms. You might find abbreviated things like “tbf tl;dr” and they may not be so enthusiastic about telling you what these abbreviations stand for. For the record, it stands for “to be fair, too long; didn’t read.” Please don’t expect us to use an exclamation mark here.

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